Notebloc App: instrucciones de uso
¿Dónde encuentro la Notebloc app?
Puedes descargar la Notebloc app desde Google Play o desde App Store. El app es totalmente gratuita para todos nuestros usuarios.
¿Cómo empiezo a usar la Notebloc app?
Abre la aplicación y aprieta el icono de la cámara. Empieza a escanear tus documentos. El app también te permite importar imágenes que ya tengas en tu galería.
¿Cómo creo documentos nuevos?
Cada vez que estés en la pantalla principal del app Notebloc, si aprietas el icono de la cámara o bien si importas fotos preexistentes, se te creará un documento nuevo.
En cambio, si entras en un documento ya creado, cualquier nueva imagen que tomes o importes se añadirá al documento donde te encuentres.
Batch Processing: When you want to scan many pages faster!
Batch Scanning is one of our most requested features, that we are currently working on developing. In the meantime, we would like to offer you the following workaround, in order for you to be able to scan your pages quicker and save time.
1. Use the regular camera of your mobile phone to take pictures of all the pages of the document that you wish to scan. Make sure that you take a clear picture and that the camera focuses properly.
2. Open the Notebloc App and press the "Import from gallery" icon.
3. Select all the images that you wish to import.
4. Now you can take advantage of the Notebloc batch scan processing and save time.
Page Order: How to change the order of pages in a document?
This is a question that we are asked very often. Is it possible to re-order the pages of a document? The answer is YES and it's really easy.
1. To re-order the pages of a document, simply, press and hold your index finger to the page that you wish to move a few seconds.
2. Drag the page into place.
Set-up a default email recipient:
Do you usually send your scanned notes, documents or drawings to the same email address? Save some extra time by specifying a default email address. This way you do not have to type an email address every time you share a document.
1. Press the menu button in the top-left corner.
2. Open settings.
3. Scroll to the end of the page where it says "Default Email".
4. Set-up a Default Email of your choice, and also a Subject Name if you would like.